Can Get Scary



     Homeopathy is a discipline of therapy for illness that Hahnemann initiated and has been used ever since.  It is a method of treatment utilizing an extremely diluted preparation of a  “mother tincture” of a substance.  It started in Germany and spread throughout Europe and was brought to the U.S. in the 1930s.  It became very popular and was commonly practiced until the ascendancy of scientific medicine.  After the turn of the century and in the early part of the 20th century, there were twenty-two medical schools following this type of discipline in the U.S.  There were more than 100 hospitals, and over one thousand pharmacies devoted to homeopathic medicine.  It was commonly practiced in the United States as people were able to purchase a home kit of homeopathy remedies and treat themselves.  I have in my library a home medical text dated 1918, which has instructions and guidelines for homeopathy treatments for home use.  By the mid 1900s, the use of homeopathy had almost died out in the US.

     Hahnemann had once took a large dose of Peruvian bark [quinine] while he was healthy and said that he developed symptoms of malaria.  He thereafter initiated the theory that if small doses of quinine were administered, standard doses would not be needed to treat malaria.

     It is very important to understand Hahnemann’s world view in order to comprehend the rational of his conclusions regarding disease, its cause and treatment.  Understanding his belief in mans origin will help us to clarify why he formed certain conclusions.

     “First Hahnemann was a follower of the powerful spiritist and medium Emanuel Swedenborg.  Those familiar with the occultic philosophy and theology of Swedenborg, such as his blending of the world and nature and occult, can recognize the parallels of Hahnemann’s thinking.  Andrew Weil receive his M.D. from Harvard Medical School, is a research associate in Ethnopharmacology in Harvard and is somewhat sympathetic with aspects of new age medicine.  He observes that Hahnemann was steeped in the mysticism of Emanuel Swedenborg.”  Andrew Weil

     “Hahnemann was also a Freemason, and as the authors have demonstrated elsewhere, the study of Freemasonry presents an excellent opportunity for delving into mysticism and the occult.”  John Ankerberg.  “Hahnemann was also an admirer of the occultist Paracelsus and Mesmer.”  Martin Gumpert.  He was believer in the concept of animal megnetism, which is the same as psychic healing.  In his Organon (text book on homeopathy) he confessed similarities between the practice of homeopathy and mesmerism.

     Studies have been done to test the value of these remedies but there is no clear proof that they have any effect on the body in minute doses.  Larger [more concentrated] doses when used have been shown some effect on the system.  This effect may not always be good.  Some remedies available may contain regular modern drugs added to them so they will have an effect on the human physiology.

     There has been a strong effort on the part of the believers in alternative therapeutic modalities to scientifically explain the perceived effects of such methods as acupuncture, homeopathic, therapeutic touch, rolfing, osteopathic, chiropractic, hypnosis, and many other therapy techniques.

     In the British medical journal Lancet August 27, 2005, a large study made by the University of Berne in Switzerland reported the results of a meta-analysis of one hundred and ten trials each of homeopathy and conventional medicine.  No convincing evidence was found that the homeopathic approach to illness was any different from using a placebo.  Conventional medicine did significantly better.

     In the first half of the twentieth century, the 22 homeopathy medical schools in the United States closed or converted to regular medical schools.  With the advance of scientific evaluation in medical care, the old harmful way of using drugs slowly changed.  The homeopathic was no longer having better results than the M.D.  The public turned to science driven medicine.  There is now a resurgence of homeopathy among New Age adherents and some others who consider it to be more “natural.”  Its return in America is not based on science, but is the end result of the belief in Vitalism.  A man’s belief in his origin has great influence in his choice of healing methods.

     “Those who give themselves up to the sorcery of Satan may boast of great benefit received thereby, but does this prove their course to be wise or safe? What if life should be prolonged? What if temporal gain should be secured? Will it pay in the end to disregard the will of God? All such apparent gain will prove at last an irrecoverable loss. We cannot with impunity break down a single barrier which God has erected to guard His people from Satan's power.”  5T 199 

Edwin A Noyes


Let’s Hold On To Jesus For Our Helper!