Milk Induced Diseases



            MILK INJURY,




     The emphasis given to milk drinking should be critically examined.  Commercial interests have pressured people into believing that they will become undernourished if they do not get milk.  The fear is misplaced.  Millions of healthy people never touch milk, and millions are sick because of their use of milk.  Yet most of these suffering ones do not suspect milk as the culprit.

     Television commercials and billboards have convinced many parents that milk is all their children need to correct an otherwise inferior diet.  This is far from the case, and milk adds another feature of potential disease-producing elements to the diet.  Milk displaces more important foods in the diet, some of which contain nutrients essential to proper growth and development, both physical and mental. Journal of the American Medical Association, February 6, 1960.  Milk may cause a variety of diseases, even death.  Possible deaths related to milk hypersensitivity have received little attention.  We have demonstrated that severe cardiorespiratory abnormalities can be ameliorated by withdrawal of cow’s milk from the diet of sensitive individuals. 

     “Based on information presently available, we recommend that all children with chronic or undefined upper and lower respiratory tract disease be screened for milk precipitins, elevated serum IgE levels, and pulmonary hemosiderosis.  A cause and effect relationship between symptoms and cow milk ingestion should be sought.”

     It is difficult or impossible for the government to insure that milk or other foods of animal origin will be fit for human consumption.  Unsolvable problem are associated with marketing foods of animal origin range through a large number of unfortunate factors, definite fraud, illegal  labeling, the addition of extenders without indicating their presence, and a potpourri of other illegal or revolting practices which cannot be controlled by any agency no matter how elaborate the enforcing body.  Inflation increases the pressure to cheat.


     There are certain customs in society which become so firmly entrenched that any examination of the tradition is considered near to sacrilege.  Milk is one of these sacrosanct matters in our society, so cherished that any statement against it may be regarded with disfavor or suspicion.  Furthermore the milk advisory board and the various private industries and organizations promoting milk make certain that all nutritionists and teachers are programmed to think kindly of milk.  From many directions come indications that dairy milk is not the perfect food, not even for babies.  Of mammals, man is the only one that takes milk into the adult life.  Dr. Frank Oski, a pediatrician of State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, agree that we must add milk to the hazardous food lists.  The Journal of Pediatrics, July, 1975

     Cliches such as “milk is the perfect food” die slowly.  It is true that milk contains a wide variety of needed elements, but none of these nutrients was generated by the cow; she obtained the nutrients she put into the milk from the food she consumed: greens, legumes and whole grains—common articles of diet.  It is also true that the milk contains contaminants, infectious agents, and difficult-to-handle nutrients as well.  In fact, the three major nutrients of milk, butter fat, milk protein (caseine) and milk carbohydrate (lactose) are likely to cause adults to have much less optimum health.


     The milk industry has become so enormous and uses for milk so varied that many by-products of manufacturing processes are left over, and uses must be found for these substances.  To prevent large losses to the milk industry, many of these products and by-products turn up in the market labeled “non-dairy,” so defined by law.  But those who cannot use dairy products usually cannot use these articles either.

     A “filled milk” is defined as any milk, cream, or skimmed milk to which any fat or oil other than milk fat has been added.  An “imitation milk” usually contains a protein such as sodium caseinate or soy protein, corn syrup solids, sugar and vegetable fat.  Artificial coffee creamers are similar to imitation milks but are nutritionally inferior in regard to protein, vitamins, minerals, and sometimes fatty acid content.

     The milk of the species is as distinctive as the skin and hair.  For baby humans, breast milk is a perfect design; for baby calves, cow’s milk is perfect, but to give a baby human cow’s milk is far from perfect.  In fact, it may set the stage for allergies, sensitivities, and many other serious sicknesses throughout life.  Ellen White, a Seventh-day Adventist health educator of the last century, taught that the time would come when milk would be considered hazardous to the health.  In a short time the milk of cows will also be excluded from the diet...In a short time it will not be safe to use anything that comes from the animal creation.”  CDF 411   “There will soon be no safety in the possession of flocks or herds” CDF 414   We know that the time will come when it will not be best to use milk and eggs.”  CDF 359

          SUGAR AND MILK 



    Milk taken in large quantities is undoubtedly able to encourage the development of diabetes or the hypoglycemic syndrome.  Milk sugar is handled principally by the pancreas, and the large quantities of milk consumed in many parts of the United States certainly contributes to these prevalent and increasing problems.  The cause of the current epidemics of diabetes mellitus probably includes smoking, lack of exercise, environmental stress, and many improper dietary habits—excessive intake of sugar and dairy products being among these.  Sucrose (table sugar) and milk taken together, as is commonly done in this country, appear to be particularly dangerous.  That sucrose and saturated fats may potentiate each other has not been investigated at great depth but the prevalence in the western world of recipes that contain this combination suggests an incrimination of this combination.  The simultaneous intake of sucrose and milk appears to make growth hormones more active. The pancreas is stimulated in its metabolic activity, resulting in an increased need for carbohydrates, the uptake of which is blocked by the free fatty acids from the milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April, 1978 The influence of milk-sugar combinations on growth hormones may explain the rapid growth and over growth of children who consume a lot of sweetened milk foods.

     Considering it’s widespread use, even to the point of force feeding, how strange that very little investigation has been done along the lines of establishing with certainty that milk satisfies all expectations of the consumer and claims of the producer.  Many problems have been identified even with the small amount of research that has been done.  Milk may contribute to the formation of kidney stones, may cause intestinal malabsorption and diarrhea, and may even cause malnourishment of older infants, especially leading to iron deficiency anemia.  Good evidence has been presented that milk products are associated with the development of cancer, skin lesions, musculoskeletal abnormalities, pulmonary obstruction, immunological disorders, and liver function abnormalities.  As far back as 1931, the diseases of cattle transmitted to men through milk were receiving a prominent position in medical literature.

     There are six categories of milk-induced diseases: those from the fat of milk, the protein, the carbohydrate, the contaminants, food intolerance, and allergies to milk....  

A. & C. Thrash