The Original Blueprint for Mankind—


A vegetarian does not eat meat, poultry or fish. Perhaps 90 percent of vegetarians in America are “lacto-ovo vegetarians,” i.e., they eat eggs and dairy products. Pure vegetarians, or“vegans,” do not consume any animal products, which includes dairy and eggs.Today, vegetarianism is more popular than ever. According to a Gallup poll taken several years ago, nearly nine million Americans consider themselves vegetarians, while ten times that many believe that vegetarians are healthier than most Americans.

The reasons for becoming a vegetarian vary. People are drawn to vegetarianism by all sorts of motives. Some folks do it out of concern for their health and longevity — an estimated 70 percent of all diseases, including one-third of all cancers, are related to diet — while others want to lower their weight. Some people are impressed by considerations of cost saving, resource conservation, and reduction of animal suffering, as well. Today we have an abundance of scientific research that demonstrates the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet.

Extensive studies of the relationship between diet and health have shown conclusively that vegetarians run a substantially lower risk of contracting heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic “killer” diseases that are responsible for 75 percent of all deaths in America.

Did you know that next to sugar, tobacco and alcohol, the use of meat is probably the greatest, single cause of mortality in the United States? Did you also know that, contrary to common opinion, it is more difficult to have a good diet with meat than without it? Studies conducted over the past, few years have established to the satisfaction of a large number of medical and scientific professionals that meat is undesirable for several reasons. Meat is not only a major contributor to the leading causes of death; but contrary to popular belief, it is actually difficult to achieve good nutrition utilizing a flesh diet. Scientifically, we know that a flesh diet is an inappropriate diet for humankind. Our anatomy and physiology are poorly adapted to the digesting of meat. Meat-eating animals have teeth for tearing meat from bones. Man’s teeth are all on the same level and closely set together for biting and grinding. Our jaw has a wide range of motion vertically, which allows us to bite into fruits and vegetables. The grinding motion used in chewing is but one piece of proof of humankind’s adaptation for eating substances such as nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables.


In 1977, the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, conducted an extended study on the health effects of various dietary patterns and published landmark findings. Numerous, scientific studies done before, at the time, and since have supported these findings. This remarkable document was adopted and published: The United States Dietary Goals. 

Here are the 3 top, astounding goals:


         & WHOLE GRAINS

       2  DECREASE IN USE OF RED MEATS (directly

         linked to all cardiovascular disease)


         (especially meat)


Meat is a decidedly inferior source of minerals. It is rich in phosphorus but is very poor in calcium. Grains, vegetables and nuts furnish an abundance of phosphorus and calcium. And nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables have far more iron in them than meat. What about vitamins? Most flesh meats are muscle meat, which is relatively low in vitamins. Furthermore, it is common, scientific knowledge today that too high an amount of protein in the diet is injurious. Flesh foods are very high in protein, which is a great danger to the system. It is now common knowledge: animal protein in the human diet promotes disease, while plant protein promotes health.


Flesh eaters are noticeably inferior to vegetarians in the arena of physical endurance. It has been found that plant-eating animals have greater endurance than carnivorous animals. Experiments with athletes (meat-eating) versus non-athlete vegetarians have shown the vegetarians to possess greater, physical endurance. Repeatedly, vegetarians have surpassed the flesh eaters in endurance competition around the world. At Yale University, for example, fifteen meat-eaters were asked to hold their arms outstretched to the side. Only two of them managed to keep them horizontal for 15 minutes. The situation among vegetarians was quite different. Twenty-two of the 34 vegetarians reached 15 minutes. Fifteen of those 22 lasted 30 minutes. One endured for three whole hours. Deep knee bending competition proved to be just as revealing. Fifteen meat-eaters averaged 1,000, while the vegetarians reached an amazing 2,000. Most of the meat-eaters had to be carried away. Not a single vegetarian had to be helped off the court.


One of the main reasons meat is so difficult to digest, assimilate, and eliminate is because man does not secrete the uricase enzyme that meat-eating animals do. Meat then becomes putrefactive, releasing much toxic waste, while making its lengthy transit through the human digestive system. Meat can take up to 60 - 100 hours to make the long journey; whereas, normal processing of fruits, vegetables, and grains through the entire gastrointestinal tract takes only about 24 to 30 hours.


When meat was added to the diets of vegetarians, their blood pressure was elevated after 11 days. A follow-up in European studies with the elderly showed a drop of blood pressure to within normal range after only two months when they were put back on a vegetarian diet.


Aging is the wearing out of the body. It is preceded by fatigue, chronic fatigue. The experiences of aging and its concomitant fatigue are common, subjective experiences among flesh-eaters. The “fearfully and wonderfully made” human body is composed of an estimated 75 trillion cells. Each cell is constantly taking in several forms of nourishment and giving off a variety of wastes. When something interferes with this God-intended, smooth-running process, the cells and the organs and systems they make up begin to malfunction and deteriorate. If the body lacks the energy to constantly detoxify, if the body fluids that bathe and nourish and cleanse the cells are toxic and overloaded with waste, life in all the cells is compromised: fatigue and premature aging are the subjective experiences. We feel tired and old before our time. Meat is one of these dietary substances that interfere with God’s good intentions for humankind. Meat contains toxic by-products, poison waste products that the animals did not have opportunity to eliminate before slaughter.

Then, when the flesh is eaten, the waste products from the meat are also consumed. Prominent among body waste products are urea and uric acid which resemble caffeine in molecular structure. The uric acid is a toxic stimulant and accounts for the quick pick-me-up feeling. The digestion, assimilation, and elimination of meat is a huge energy drain on the human body! In the long view, our bodies are made up of what we eat. If we eat the foods God intended for us (fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains), we will have good, strong, healthy bodies. But if we don’t, our bodies will, consequently, suffer as a result and eventually become weak, toxic, and diseased.Meat eating is also wasteful in that slaughter cattle live first upon a vegetable diet (grass, etc.) and their flesh is therefore only grass second-hand. Although the whole of their bodies are not consumed, they have still to be fed and grown upon land which might otherwise be growing food for starving humans.It is well said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Just so, it is much easier to stay well by applying good health habits than to repair the damage already done by poor health habits.

Learning to eat that which the body truly needs can be made interesting, as well as challenging, and give you a far, far healthier life!  Vegetarian diets are very safe, have real benefits, and generally require very little planning for maximum health. In contrast, diets that include meat must include careful, extremely complex planning to reduce the risks of the most prevalent diseases.

  1. John A. Scharffenberg, M.D. Problems with Meat,
  2. Woodbridge Press, Santa Barbara, CA.
  3. Jay M. Hoffman, M.D., The Missing Link, Professional
  4. Press Pub. Co., Valley Center, CA.
  5. Gary Null, The New Vegetarian, William Morrow &
  6. Co., Inc., NY.
  7. Mike Anderson, The Rave Diet & Lifestyle,
  9. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., The China Study,
  10. Benbella Books, Dallas, Texas
  11. John Robbins, Diet for a New America, Stillpoint
  12. Publishing, Walpole, NH, 03608

The average meat-eating American will consume

in a lifetime: 21 cows,
14 sheep, 12 hogs, 900 chickens, and 1,000 pounds

of other animals,

including creatures that swim in the ocean,

and different types of fowl

that fly in the air.


                                                                                                    Katy Chamberlin