
“Exercise in the open air should be prescribed as a life-giving necessity. And for such exercises there is nothing better than the cultivation of the soil. Let patients have flower beds to care for, or work to do in the orchard or vegetable garden. As they are encouraged to leave their rooms and spend time in the open air, cultivating flowers or doing some other light, pleasant work, their attention will be diverted from themselves and their sufferings. 

"Ministry of Healing." 

pages 264, 265. 


 Physical Exercise as a 

Remedial Agency

     Physical exercise and labor combined have a happy influence upon the mind, strengthen the muscles, improve the circulation, and give the invalid the satisfaction of knowing his own power of endurance; whereas, if he is restricted from healthful exercise and physical labor, his attention is turned to himself. He is in constant danger of thinking himself worse than he really is, and of having established within him a diseased imagination, which causes him continually to fear that he is overtaxing his powers of endurance. As a general thing, if he would engage in some well-directed labor, using his strength and not abusing it, he would find that physical exercise would prove a more powerful and effective agent in his recovery than even the water treatment he is receiving."                                                   

Physical Labor an Aid to 


     “Such mental exercise as playing cards, chess, and checkers, excites and wearies the brain and hinders recovery: while light and pleasant physical labor will occupy the time, improve the circulation, relieve and restore the brain, and prove a decided benefit to the health. But take from the invalid all such employment, and he becomes restless, and, with a diseased imagination, views his case as much worse than it really is, which tends to imbecility.      

     For years I have from time to time been shown that the sick should be taught that it is wrong to suspend all physical labor in order to regain health. In thus doing the will becomes dormant, the blood moves sluggishly through the system, and constantly grows more impure. Where the patient is in danger of imagining his case worse than it really is, indolence will be sure to produce the most unhappy results. Well-regulated labor gives the invalid the idea that he is not totally useless in the world, that he is, at least, of some benefit. This will afford him satisfaction, give him courage, and impart to him vigor, which vain mental amusements can never do.” 


  PH145 49  


A few minutes ago Sara [McEnterfer] placed your letter in my hand. I have read it, and I  

will say that I have always talked against the idea of having a consumptives' home near the Boulder Sanitarium. Select a place ten or twelve miles away, or if necessary, still farther away. If possible, let it be where there are many pine trees. Let those of the patients who are able to work be given something to do. They should give the muscles judicious exercise. Let them work in the soil. This will be found especially advantageous. Let all be taught that cheerfulness is God's remedy for sickness. Let them talk faith, and think as little as possible about disagreeable things. Let the heart go forth in praise and thanksgiving to God. Let them pray for themselves and for one another, and let them keep the love of God in the soul. The great Physician can heal consumption. He did it in the case of my husband and myself.”

9MR 286



Healing for Consumptives.

“Many who are threatened with consumption will be healed through faith. Many others will be healed through proper eating and drinking and through living largely in the open air. To those who are suffering from this disease I would say, Take regular exercise, and keep as cheerful as possible. Keep busy, and live as much as possible out-of-doors. Keep your heart free from all jealousy and evil-surmising, and ask God to help you to improve as fast as possible. Some will overcome the disease; yes, many will, through faith in the mighty Healer. "Let him take hold of My strength, that he may make peace with Me;" the Lord says, "and he shall make peace with Me" (Isaiah 27:5. 

9MR 287