G M Foods

      Genetically Modified foods are prominently featured in today’s food supply. In fact, GMOs are so prominent that if a product is not labeled as GMO free, then it can be assumed that there is at least some amount of genetic alteration within the food.
     GMOs dominate conventional food supplies and popular products, perpetuating their adverse effects on the people who eat them.
     Before the whistle was blown on the dangers of GM foods, like any other invariably unpopular thing pushed by corporations, claims were that GMOs could actually be beneficial to the food supply, and provide positive value. But how legitimate are any of these claims?
“GM Crops Require Less Herbicide/Pesticide Usage”
Pesticide toxicity is an obvious concern when dealing with crops. Gene tailoring the crops into producing a pesticide theoretically means that you should have to use less.
     However, the effectiveness of this method diminishes when insects build an immunity to the pesticide being genetically engineered. This actually creates a need for more additional and more varied application of pesticides to crops, destroying the initial premise that using GM to produce pesticides would lessen their application overall.
“GM Foods Will Help Provide for Poor Starving Populations”

     One could argue that the use of GMOs provides more opportunities to give food to the poor, despotic countries. However, genetic engineering of food is often an expensive and extensive process. The application of genetically altered seeds used by farmers also poses a threat to the integrity of the whole environmental food supply.  As GMO crops spread, they can easily contaminate surrounding crops that are free of engineering, producing adverse effects. Some crops engineered with ‘terminator’ genes actually cause the seeds of the next generation to be rendered sterile. This would actually limit the ability for any kind of farmer to reliably produce food in cycles, unless they can afford to buy more seeds from a company providing them.
“GM Foods are Normal Foods, Cause no Threat to Your Health, and Can Even be Nutritionally Enhanced”
     Various studies suggest that consuming any amount of GMOs lead to a number of adverse side effects, ranging from organ failure, to infertility. The nature of attempting to manipulate genetic boundaries produces an uncontrollable amount of anomalies, all of which diminish the quality and purpose originally intended for the food. Essential nutrients can be rendered ineffective, and the mutagenic nature of genetic tampering can actually destroy any of the benefits that the foods originally held.
     In actuality, it’s better to entirely abstain from the use and advocation of any form of genetic modification on foods. The so-called benefits are actually non existent, and the nature of the situation actually threatens the integrity of the world food supply. Genetic tampering opens a figurative Pandora’s box of unforeseen consequences, including the contamination of nutritionally sound foods.
     The safety of our food supply must be maintained by foregoing the use of GMOs, and preserving the purity of organically farmed, nutritionally satisfying fruits and vegetables. Being a part of the solution is as easy as refusing to use any GM foods, and maintaining your own form of clean and sustainable produce. Like many countries that are now are deciding to reject these foods, you also have an individual opportunity to secure your own health by doing the same.

Andre Evans
Activist Post
January 1, 2012
     Genetically modified food has entered the food supply through secrecy and deception. Some claimed that genetically modifying the food supply could even put an end to world hunger. At first glance, genetic modification really does look like a great idea. It allows for larger crops, enhanced growing seasons, and even bigger animals. The truth of the matter is that genetically modified food has been shown to sterilize the population, lead to infant mortality, and exacerbate the usage of pesticides on a global scale.
     Food Abomination
     The world is quickly realizing that there is no benefit to consuming and producing genetically modified food. The consumers are speaking out, and their voice is being heard. Food free of genetically modified ingredients is the fastest growing retail brand.
     As the information surrounding GM (genetically modified) food rose to the mainstream media, the people began to anger. They were looking for someone to blame for allowing this atrocity occur, and they had to look no farther than Monsanto.
     The Monsanto corporation is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is responsible for producing and selling genetically engineered seeds.
     These are the seeds that yield genetically modified crops. Monsanto has such a grip on the industry, that it produces 90% of the United State’s genetically engineered seeds. This is the same company responsible for the development of bovine growth hormone, which incited mass controversy over its effects. It was determined by many health experts to be extremely dangerous, with many linking it to cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
     Numerous studies have proven genetically modified foods to be an extreme health hazard, but one must only look at how it is created to realize how unsafe GM food really is.

Anthony Gucciardi Infowars
May 10, 2010
How It Is Made
A d v e r t i s e m e n t

     The following is an excerpt from Blind Health: Forbes Magazine Declares Monsanto Company of the Year, an article I authored that exposes GM foods. The article was featured on multiple top news websites.
     The bioengineering process itself is quite ridiculous. Billions are spent each year to genetically modify the food supply, tainting it with genetically modified frankenfood. Genetically modifying foods requires one to tamper with the very genetic coding of the crop and/or seed. The process entails the  transfer of genes from one organism to another, such as taking particular genes from a pig and transferring them to a tomato. Not only does this defile nature, but it leads to a host of health problems.
     Due to the complexity of a living organism’s genetic structure, it is impossible to track the long-term results of consuming genetically modified food. Introducing new genes into even the most simple bacterium may cause an array of issues, highlighting the complexity of even the simplest organisms. Introducing new genes to highly complex organisms such as animals or crops is even riskier.
     When introducing the gene to its new host, it is essentially impossible to predict the reaction. The genetic intelligence of the host could be disrupted with the introduction of the new gene, creating an adverse reaction. There is truly no way of knowing the long-term effect genetically modified food, as there are too many variables. There is simply no room for science when Monsanto is involved.
The World Takes Action
     What the world is beginning to see is a swift call to action against not only genetic modification of the food supply, but against the contamination of our food supply worldwide. The people are beginning to demand that high fructose corn syrup be taken out of their food, and that aspartame be removed from products like diet soda and chewing gum. Big corporations love to push such food abominations upon us, but sooner or later the citizens demand action.
     India has recently begun to  recognize the dangers of genetically modified food, calling for a multitude of scientific studies to determine whether or not the food poses a threat. The people of India had been calling for a change that the government was forced to recognize.
“Public sentiment is negative. It is my duty to adopt a cautious, precautionary, principle-based approach,” said Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh.
     Even in the United States, Monsanto is currently Under investigation by seven states. Since so many concerned citizens are demanding something to be done about genetically modified, the government of your nation is forced to respond. Through activism and spreading the word, genetically modified food can easily be made a sad mistake of the past.